Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's been a bit tough around here recently. Everything seems dark...not just the weather. A friend died by her own hand, leaving her little 2 1/2 year old daughter. That was and still is horrible. Another friend lost her father. The news is full of horror like Baby P and 2 little boys stabbed by their own mother....

At home it's not been that rosy. Rob had his bike stolen which was crap (though on the positive, the new one he bought is much better). Toby is testing me....he's had a horrible cough for the last few days so really broken nights. He's tantrumming worse than ever. Raging like nothing I've experienced.....Oz's behaviour is deteriorating to the extent that his preschool teacher asked to speak to me today to see if there has been any "change" at home that might be leading to this behaviour. Wish I could have pinpointed it. He's tearful, ignoring adults, hitting and pushing other children - and no matter how much I talk to him or time him out, it seems to continue. No idea why.

I've had little joy from my children in the last few weeks. Little joy from anything really. I've put some weight on which pisses me off but also makes me think "fuck it" and reach for the chocolate bar. I'm trying to up my exercise but things keep getting in the way - like having 4 hours sleep last night so going back to bed this morning instead of swimming.

Next week I've booked a day off - Rob has Friday off work and I'm officially OFF duty - and luckily have been chosen for a market research thing the night before where I get paid £60 cash in hand. So I'm going to spend it. On ME. That's something to look forward to.....

Argh. Doom and gloom. I'm sorry. More perkiness to follow I promise....


Tequilamonkey said...

Oh honey I'm sorry it all feels so dark. I wish I had a torch to light it all up for you.

I've had to stop watching the news myself, I just can't bear to hear any more details on what happened to those all those poor boys :(

Enjoy your day off, you deserve it!

Hugs xxxxx

Clare Griffiths said...

Sorry you're having such a tough time of it at the moment. It will get better, hang in there.

Hopefully see you next week for a therapeutic swim and don't stress about the chocolate - we all need cheering up sometimes.


So long, farewell! said...

I popped on here today to leave a 'where are you? how are you?' message as I hadn't heard from you. Sorry things are so dark hun. It seems it is the season for it. This will pass, remember that, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

Sorry the boys have been testing you. What does Oz say is wrong? Do you want to pop them in a crate and post them up here? They would probably get lost under all the black bags and misplaced furniture but they'd be welcome to come, lol. As are you - you know you can always escape here if you need to. We could be girlie and prance round town :o)

The news is so bleak isn't it. I made the mistake of reading about Baby P and was almost physically sick. We can only hope that there is a very special part of hell reserved for people like his tormentors.

Give us a ring when you can - I have no voice but I can squeak hugs at you :o)


Nic said...

Aww Sal, sorry its all so crap at the moment. Its all doom and gloom everywhere you look isn't it? We have the radio wake us up in the morning and the other morning Lou had come into bed to have a snuggle before the alarm up and we were woken up to the news of those two little boys being stabbed. No more radio in the mornings with news like that!! I know we can't wrap our kids up in cotton wool but I'm not explaining horrid things like that to my 4yr old!

Is Oz still at pre-school? Do you think he is getting bored with the little ones? I know that is a problem with Lou at preschool, she is ready to be going to school and is playing up because she doesn't want to play with the babies any more. Maybe you could ask his teacher if they could maybe do a bit of extra stuff with Oz?

Enjoy your day off hun!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry things have sucked so badly of late.I wish I could swoop in, take the tantruming boys off your hands and give you a break. Or a hug. Or a shot of tequila.

Love you, and hope the light arrives soon.

Bobbie said...

Sorry I didn't see this earlier Sally. Hope some of the darkness has lifted. If not, I hope the week to friday speeds by - you sound like you deserve/need a day off babe.

I hope things at Oz's pre school gets sorted out hon.

I feel exactly the same way as you about the little kiddies in the news recently. xxxx