Saturday, May 26, 2007

Tired...but happier

Oz's behaviour has steadily improved all week. He's been really good. Tonight I undressed him for his bath and he was wearing the same pair of pants he started the day in. So potty training is going well.

I'm really shattered today - no idea why - no energy. I should have gone to bed early. But I stayed up (to the ever so late hour of 10.30pm) doing's 5 minutes long....hope it doesn't bore you - enjoy.....


EG said...

Aww that's fantastic, I loved it!!! I was dying to see it last night, well worth the wait!

Clare Griffiths said...

Awwww, so cute! Love the babygro :D

zoe xx said...

Great news about Oscar! I would imagine that now things are settling down a bit that your adrenalin is reducing and that's why you're so knackered. Are you taking any supplements? Pregnacare vitamins (also for breast feeding mothers) and floradix (natural iron and minerals) are really good.

Dixie said...

I loved all that giggling. Seeing that would cheer up anyone.