Saturday, April 14, 2007

Need a hug

Wierd and quite horrible day yesterday. Something I'd been looking forward to all week turned out horrible. I'm not going to go into it here but it was petty and stupid and I feel like I've lost someone I considered a friend. I was very upset last night and went straight to bed. For a while...Toby seems to have lost his ability to sleep for longer than 2 hours.......

So send me a hug. I need one.


So long, farewell! said...


Anonymous said...

Have loads of hugs! No idea what's happened but hope you're feeling better now.

Clare Griffiths said...

consider hugs sent! Will be available for venting and coffee next week :-)

zoe xx said...

Are you ok?

I'm home now in the day and am available for chat and coffee (abeit separate coffees at two different ends of the country...)