Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Am I sad?

For the last couple of weeks I've become my phone. I changed networks to 3 mobile and got a funky new phone with the contract. It's free to browse the web services on it (and it's damn fast) and I get £10 a month free downloads for games and stuff.

I have a ring tone that sings "'s for you....Sally....pick up the phone" in a sultry voice and if you call me on my mobile, instead of hearing bring bring as you wait for me to pick up it sings you a song "you're calling Sally.....oooo oooo oooo". I'm an egotist remember. I love it! Except when I'm on the train or bus and everyone then knows my name. Actually no, I still love it then.

Unlike my previous cheap crap phone, it also has really good games. I've become addicted to playing townsmen which is like Civilisation - you build a little village then go on raids. And I have a game like Sims on there too set in New York where you have to become famous and popular....

I'm sad aren't I?

Talking of sad - how sad is this...and I can't believe I'm telling you this - Ikea on Sunday - one thing I didn't mention. While I was queuing up for the meatballs, I felt a funny sensation down my leg - I was wearing jeans that I'd also worn the day before and miraculously hadn't got Oscar fingerprints on.....I'd picked them up off the bedroom floor (I'm such a slob) in my half awake state getting dressed that morning. As I stood there in the queue I felt something slithery down my inner leg. Yes you guessed it. My knickers from the day before which had been inside the jeans were working their way down my trouser leg.....Luckily I grabbed them before anyone spotted them (they were bright green too).


Thank god it happened when I was standing still. Imagine walking through Ikea, innocently on a Sunday afternoon, and some big blonde woman in front of you has a pair of bright green panties sticking out of the leg of her jeans. What would you say?

My life.....bonkers.

That was a real "confessions" post!


So long, farewell! said...

Lol @ the knickers!

How do you fancy being a wise sage? I've set up a preggy/baby forum if you fancy helping to bump the numbers up :o)


Sam said...

ROFPMSL Sal! I have had the knicker/jean experience myself so know the sensation well!...think I learned to put my clothes away nicely soon afterwards! Phone sounds tres cool, far too much technology for my little head to worry about but yay for finding another little ray of sunshine in your day hun!

Anonymous said...

I've had the same panty problem about a month ago, Sal, so you're in good company. :)

Because I'm super-classy, I pulled them out of my pants and shoved them into B.'s coat pocket.

Just imagine - the two of us, striding down the street in our Peckerwoods t-shirts and our underwear falling out of our pantlegs!

Dixie said...

Hysterical! I'd have paid money to have seen you hide those bright green panties!

Jess said...

I think I would've died - that's hilarious!